Black Eyed Peas Hangout on Google+ and Got Google Home Page Love Today (Sept 30th 2011)!

If you would have visited home page today(refer image below), you would have see a link below the search box saying Hang out with the Black Eyed Peas on Google+ right before they go on stage. Tonight at 6pm ET.

Yep, google featured black eyed peas hangout session on the home page. Millions and millions of people visit google every day and think about getting featured on that page, cool huh!.. Google never does this on its home page with only few exceptions. But today Black Eyed Peas group were the luckiest ones. For those who don’t know, The Black Eyed Peas are an american hip hop group from L.A, California. Here is the black eyed peas web site in case you want to learn more about the rapper group.

The black eyed peas hangout gets featured on google home page

The black eyed peas hangout gets featured on google home page

This hangout was hosted as a very first online backstage onstage webcam session right before the onstage concert for NYC. Here is what (one of the rapper of the group) wrote on his profile right before the hangout

lets have fun at the backstage hangout…we even have a hangout onstage as well…
i want to re-define backstage interaction with fans who can not make the show…i think this will be the very first online backstage onstage web cam session…
“i like doing things 1st”

Here is a recorded video of Black eyed peas on Google+ hangout today (Sept 30th 2011) (pretty long, it is 3 hrs 37 mins)

Around 74 people joined the google+ hangout and over 50,000 people attended and enjoyed the live concert.

After the hangout, one of the rapper of the group, wrote on his Google+ profile in his own words

thank your googlers…
thank you robin hood…
we raised 4 million dollars tonight to help fight poverty in nyc…
thank you america…
thank you world…

This is just the beginning of Google+ getting a celebrity touch. As word spreads, you’ll soon see more and more celebrities would love to take advantage of this cool Google+ hangouts feature to reach out to their fans. On the other hand people who can’t make it to the concert get a chance to watch and interact with their celebrities online. Awesome, huh!!

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