Search and Watch Youtube Videos Within Google+!

YouTube is undoubtedly one of the most watched video site on the web. Let’s say you are in Google+ and one of your friend or some one in your circle talking about a song or a DIY (do it yourself) topic. The next thing appears on your mind is to look for a video on You Tube about it.

Currently the way you do this is to open a new tab or a browser window, then goto and then start searching for that song or topic.

How about doing that right within Google+? Today with another new feature update, YouTube is integrated right into Google+ (Also refer How To start an hangout within YouTube or Watch YouTube videos with your friends or circles). With this feature addition you don’t have to leave Google+ to watch an YouTube video anymore, Cool huh!

Here is how to use YouTube feature

Click on the YouTube icon on the top right

YouTube icon on Google+

YouTube icon on Google+

The icon will expand to a search slider like below

YouTube video search on Google+

YouTube video search on Google+

Type in a keyword for e.g funny videos and hit the play button – A YouTube player dialog opens up

YouTube video player in Google+

YouTube video player in Google+

If you click on anywhere on the Google+ besides the YouTube player, the YouTube icon turns into a Pause button with option to skip or pause a video

YouTube video pause or skip

YouTube video pause or skip

Here is a list of features that is available besides watching a video

  • You’ll find a Playlist tab, that lists all the matching videos for that particular keyword (starting to play with the first match)
  • Click on any other video link if you want to switch playing to another video
  • Now Playing tab shows more details about the current playing video
  • You’ll find a +1 button on the top to +1 this video
  • There is a Share button on the top right, that’ll allow to share this video instantaneously with your Google+ friends or circles
  • Another cool thing is, when you share with your friends or circles, you are basically sharing a playlist with them and they see what you see as it is
  • You could change the search for a different set of videos by typing in a different keyword on the top search box
All Google products are getting social touch lately. This is the second google product that is integrated tightly into Google+ besides google talk.

Enjoy and have fun watching videos within Google+!!


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