5 New Google+ Games Added – Raising Total to 21 Social Games Now!

Google+ social games was launched in August 2011 with a limited set of games from Zynga, Rovia and other leading game makers.

Now with the recent addition of 5 more games, total games on Google+ has grown to 21 games. (Myself not a gamer, but i know a lot of friends who are hardcore gamers and pretty sure they are gonna love this)

Click browse for list of all 21 games in Google+

Here is the list of newly added Google+ games

CityVille (Play on Google+)

CityVille Game

CityVille Game

A casual social city building game : The goal is to build a city by farming, constructing buildings, lease and collect rent.

Global Warfare (Play on Google+)

Global Warfare Game

Global Warfare Game

A multiplayer modification of Half Life game, a science fiction first person shooter game

Mafia Wars 2 (Play on Google+)

Mafia Wars2 Game

Mafia Wars2 Game

A game in which you play as gangsters to build your own mafia

Resort World (Play on Google+)

Resort World Game

Resort World Game

A simulation game that gives the feel that you are the owner of a green island in the caribbean sea and develop your own island

Triple Town (Play on Google+)

Triple Town Game

Triple Town Game

A game where you have to grow the city as large and great as possible, as your city get’s larger you earn more points

Want some competition?

Try to beat +Sergey Brin‘s angry birds highscore or +Emily Rocke‘s triple town score

All these games are FREE so you got nothing to loose instead build your reputation by hitting high scores, so give it a shot.

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