Email via Google+: “Reach More People You Know” Feature Is Rolling Out

Email via Google+, Are you waiting for the recently announced contact your Google+ connections right from Gmail (even if you don’t have their email address)?

Then here is the good news. As announced earlier, this feature is being enabled to Gmail users and you should be seeing emails with subject Gmail update: Reach more people you know in your gmail inbox (refer image below).

If you have already received this email then this feature is enabled and available immediately for your Gmail account. For others please be patient it may arrive at any moment.

"Reach More People You Know" Gmail Update Email [images:]

How to change Email via Google+ Gmail setting?

How to change "Who can Email via Google+?" Setting [images:]


  • Goto Gmail
  • Click on Gear icon (on to top right)
  • Choose Settings in the appearing menu
  • Look for “Email via Google+” settings under General Tab
  • Change the value in the drop down according to your preference (by default it is Anyone on Google+)
  • Click on Save Changes button in the bottom of the screen

What do you think about this Email via Google+ feature? Please share your thoughts through Google+ comments below.


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