How to Hide Search Button in Iphone Home Screen?

When apple released iOS16 a week ago, an immediate difference you may have noticed in the iPhone home screen is the arrival of a new search button (There used to be ‘n’ number of dots for each home screen you have, now instead you’ll find a lens icon with search button, refer image below).

While it is very useful to quickly search the phone without navigating to another view, based on social media not everyone is a fan of it. Luckily it is configurable so that you can customize according to your preference. We’re keeping it since its very handy. On the other hand if you don’t like, here is a simple 2-step option in setting to turn it off.

iPhone Home Screen Search Button

iPhone Home Screen Search Button

iPhone Home Screen Search Button

How to turn off iPhone Home Screen Search Button?

In short

Go Settings -> Home Screen -> Show on Home Screen (refer image below)

In detail

Step1: Touch Home Screen in Settings

Step 2: Toggle Home Screen to Off position

Search -> Show on Home Screen

Search -> Show on Home Screen

What’s your thoughts on search button on the iPhone home screen, do you like it or prefer not to have it? Share thoughts below.

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