Four (4) New Games CandyDash, Kingdom Age Tube Hero and Zombinis Released on Google+ Social Games

More games and more fun for gamers on Google+. G+ games library is growing rapidly with 4 more new games added to the library.

4 new Google+ games

More game choices to pick and rule the social game leader board on Google+

Candy Dash

Candy Dash game on Google+

Candy Dash game on Google+

Are you ready to help Princess Isabela become queen of CandyWorld in CandyDash? The King has given his daughter the chance to become queen if she can complete a special mission. You can help her by travelling around the CandyWorld and collecting the 10 Magical Candy Recipes from the Recipe Masters. The Princess has a special cannon that will help you in your journey. Chocolates, lollypops, jellies and more, collect them all! A tasty adventure awaits!

Kingdom Age

Kingdom Age game on Google+

Kingdom Age game on Google+

Return to an age of valor through swordplay and knowledge through magic. Quest to prove yourself against goblins and dragons in strange and wondrous lands. Raise and command vast armies, in battle against rivals. Journey from commoner to king, in Kingdom Age.

Tube Hero

Tube Hero game on Google+

Tube Hero game on Google+

The music game revolution is here and it’s all about your Freedom to Play! TubeHero turns any YouTube video into a real music game experience. Just choose your favorite song and start playing using your keyboard (1-5 keys) or a USB guitar controller.


Zombinis game on Google+

Zombinis game on Google+

Zombinis is a charming zombie battle-collection game set in Zombiniland, a country in shambles after alien invasion. Watch the body parts fly as you lead your squad of Grunks, Zukks, Broons and more into battle against the Kroton Army.

Gamers enjoy these new games!

1 comment

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  1. eva888

    I enjoyed every little bit part of it and I will be waiting for the new updates. I am very much pleased with the contents you have mentioned.

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