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- Pinterest Now Supports Google+ Signin on Mobile and Web
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TagPinterest Now Supports Google+ Signin on Mobile and Web
In a surprise move today, Pinterest rolled out support for Google+ Signin (and Signup) through its mobile app and on the pinterest website. Now Signin
Meebo Bar Retired in Favor of Google+ Signin and Plugins!
Meebo team (which is now part of Google) announced the retirement of Meebo bar effective June 6th 2013 in favor of Google+ sign-in, +1 button, badges,
How to Integrate Google+ Signin Button With Your Website, Android and Ios App [Video]
Want to integrate Google+ sign-in into your website or your mobile applications?
Google+ Signin Released : Securely Signin Using Google Account to Websites and Mobile Apps [Video]
Google+ team just released a new feature called Google+ sign-in (aka application sign-in).