Pinterest Now Supports Google+ Signin on Mobile and Web
In a surprise move today, Pinterest rolled out support for Google+ Signin (and Signup) through its mobile app and on the pinterest website. Now Signin and enjoy pinterest using your Google+ account.
Pinterest is a social network for collecting and organizing things that inspire you. It is also used as a popular curation tool where people organize ideas around boards and pins.
Until today Pinterest only allowed signup with email or Facebook login. Now with Google+ signin support, Pinterest has opened up the opportunity for over a billion Google+ accounts to Signin and enjoy pins and boards without going through another registration form or remembering another username/password.
You can login to Pinterest Web using Google+ signin here (refer image below)
You can login to Pinterest Mobile on Pinterest app available on play store. Tap Login and choose Google red button (refer image below)
If you are a fan of pinterest and enjoy sharing ideas throughs Pins and Boards, you have one less thing to worry about. Just login with your Google+ account and enjoy Pinterest as if it is a Google property (like YouTube, Gmail, etc.)
Check-it-out and share your thoughts through Google+ comments below, Enjoy.
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