Google’s Picasa Web Album Soon to Be Renamed as Google Photos

Enjoy using the free picasa web album? You are going to enjoy even better.

As part of the big push towards introducing social across Google products and tighter integration with Google+ social network, Google is renaming its popular Picasa Web Album to Google Photo’s.

One of a great example you’ll notice is, people commenting on Picasa web album or pictures will appear on google+ stream which allow them to go viral.


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  1. me

    Actually, this is going to suck.  I PAY for picasa and used to love the product.  Yes, I’ve spent a lot of time on my albums, but I’m going to switch AWAY from google soon.

    (FWIW, i was an early G+ adopter, but all the changes to Picasa drove me AWAY from G+… cancelled it due to these asinine changes)

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