What Is Google+?

Google+ is a social network by Google the #1 in search engine. Even though there exists other social networks, Google always comes up with a unique and innovate way of connecting people. Privacy is one of the huge complaints about todays social networks. Google+ is designed with privacy as a key feature and it is its one of the main goals.

Here is in own words by Google

We realize that today people are increasingly connecting with one another on the web. But the ways in which we connect online are limited and don’t mimic our real-life relationships. The Google+ project is our attempt to make online sharing even better. We aren’t trying to replace what’s currently available; we just want to introduce a new way to connect online with the people that matter to you

Some of the cool features about Google+ are

  • Circles
  • Hangouts
  • Instant Upload
  • Sparks
  • Huddle
We’ll cover each of the above topics in a separate post.

So, when is Google+ launching?

Well unfortunately we don’t have an official date yet. But rumors are circling around that most of the invites will go out by this month.

How to get a Google+ invite?

There are two ways
  • Someone already using the Google+ product can send an invite
  • Another way watch out this page https://plus.google.com for a invite form


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