L.A. TV Station Using Google+ Hangout on Air to Connect With Viewers
Google+ hangouts on Air (shortly known as HOA) which is popular among individuals is now gaining wide acceptance among main stream media.
Here in this story, A L.A TV Station called KTTV Fox11 uses HOA to interact and connect directly with its viewers. Interestingly, KTTV’s weather reporter Maria Quiban does a 90 minute hangout with viewers everyday, 5 days a week.
Fox 11 Los Angeles Google+ page has over 626,493 followers and +Maria Quiban herself has over 403,490 followers.
Video interview by USAToday with Maria Quiban of Fox11 LA
Quiban says
…bringing in viewers via webcam “puts the station “at the forefront of technology. It’s been so much fun to expose our viewers to a totally different side of what we do.
Enjoy the video and please share your thoughts.
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