4 New Features to Hangouts on Air (HOA) Released!

Google+ team released today 4 new most requested features in Hangouts on Air (HOA).

HOA is rolled out to all google+ users in 220+ countries

Here is how to enable hangouts on air on google+

Rewind live broadcasts

Let’s say you arrive at a hangout a while later after the hangout has started. Until now you can watch from wherever you entered the hangout. Now with this new update you can rewind live broadcast and go back all the way to the beginning and watch the recording.

Access recordings immediately on YouTube

Once a hangout is finished it takes significant time before it’s available on YouTube. It stays in the infamous Processing… state for a while before it is available. Not anymore. Going forward as soon as you go off air, the recording will be available on YouTube.

Watch higher quality HOA videos on mobile

If you join or watch hangouts from your mobile device, video quality has been improved and would look much better.

Start live broadcasts without page refresh

When you happen to visit a Google+ event page with hangout or YouTube page for a Hangout on Air before the start of an hangout, you might have to keep refreshing the page to start watch the hangouts. Today onwards hangouts will start automatically without any need for page refresh.

All these four updated most requested features would help make hangouts on air a more pleasant and fun experience. Thanks to Google+ team for making this possible.

Enjoy these features and please share your thoughts through comments below.

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