Chromecast to Release Software Update Today That Improves Performance, Reliability and Security

Hope you are enjoying your new Chromecast device. For those users who are facing performance and other issues, Don’t worry. Chromecast team is issuing their first software update that will improve performance, reliability and security of your device.

Chromecast product manager Ambarish Kenghe issued the following update on a blog post

Google Chromecast Teardown of parts

Today, we are pushing a bug fix update to Chromecast devices to improve performance, reliability and security. The update will roll out over the next few days and will happen automatically; users do not need to take any action.

This software update build number 12480 (Thanks Scott) starts today & is rolled out over next few days and the best part is, you don’t have to do anything. Chromecast will automatically update when available for your device similar to chrome browser updates.

Kudos to Google Chromecast team for immediately getting to work on these reported issues and getting a resolution in just few days after release. Immediately resolution and software updates has never happened at this pace before, keep up the good work. You guys deserve it.

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