CNN Using Google Plus Hangouts to Get in Touch With Cnn Viewers Overseas in Realtime!

Over the days we are covering about google plus hangouts and yesterday we talked about google webmaster live hours on google plus hangouts.

Today we have yet another story about the great potential and success google+ hangouts is making in the wild. This time it is CNN one of the leading US news network using google plus hangouts to get live feedback from it’s viewers (sport fans) worldwide or overseas in realtime (This video was about how fans react to a football transfer day).

The video contains two google+ hangout conversations, in the first part CNN is getting live feedback from a fan based in Scotland.

CNN viewer and sports fan from Scotland talking via Google+ hangouts

CNN viewer and sports fan from Scotland talking via Google+ hangouts

The second part CNN is getting live feedback from a fan based in Malaysia

CNN is getting live feedback from a fan based in Malaysia through Google+ hangouts

CNN is getting live feedback from a fan based in Malaysia through Google+ hangouts

You can alos watch the CNN video on the CNN site if you are interested to know more.

Like we always said, google+ hangouts is one of the most unique and innovative feature of google+ social network, it has great potential and for the cost (its FREE!!) nothing can beat it. Only time will tell how many unique ways people and organizations will leverage this great feature.

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