Google Webmaster Central Hosting Live Office Hours Using Google+ Hangouts – Next Generation Interaction With Customers?

We have shared news about one of the cool unique google plus social network feature google+ hangouts and also wrote about how google+ hangout is used by google+ users.

Now this innovative new feature is going next level. The latest to the list is, google webmaster central office is hosting live office hours for about an hour every week with a specific topic and using google plus hangout to talk with webmaster’s by taking live questions and answering them on the spot.

The first webmaster office hours live on google+ hangout was done on 23rd August 2011. Details according to google,

We’re going to try something a bit different and we’d love your help.
JohnMu and I will be hosting live ‘office hours’ in a Google+ hangout. We’d love to help out with your webmaster questions. Here are the details:
*When*: Wednesday 23 Aug 2011 (Tomorrow) at 11:30am PDT for 1 hour.
*Where*: In a Google+ hangout! I’ll post the hangout to my public stream. You will be able to find it on my profile here:

And please remember, this is the first time we’ve tried this. Consider it a beta test of sorts 🙂  Come with your questions but expect a few bumps.

The next webmaster live hours on google+ hangout on “+Snippets and markup” is going to be hosted for one hour on Wednesday, the 31st August 2011.

Here are the details according to Jenny Murphy (Developer program Engineer) from Google,

When: Wednesday 31 Aug 2011 at 11:30am PDT for 1 hour.
Where: In a Google+ hangout! I’ll post the hangout to my public stream. You will be able to find it posted on my Google+ profile here:
Topic: To help keep things focused, we’ll be selecting a topic. This week’s topic is +Snippets and markup.

Google+ hangout is being used in a whole lot of new ways every day and this is a great example how useful it can be. Interacting with your customers and taking live questions and answering them irrespective of where you or your customers are a great step forward. This is a key milestone towards the next generation interaction with customers.

Watch out Jenny Murphy‘s google+ profile page for details about all future google+ hangouts from the google webmaster team.

If this becomes successful, we’ll be seeing more and more google plus hangouts out there soon. In this particular case of webmaster’s, life will be a lot easier instead of posting a question on the forum and waiting for a answer, we could take this question up directly with the webmaster team and get it addressed right away. Way to go in our opinion!!!.

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