Invite Users / Participants to a Google+ Hangout by Telephone Number Anywhere in the World

Hosting a Google+ hangout and you want to invite someone who is on the road / travelling and don’t have access to a computer / tablet / smartphone or in a place  where there is no internet access?

Invite by Telephone to Google+ hangout

No problem. Hangout now supports invite by any telephone number around the world. It is absolutely free for US / Canada phone numbers and nominal rate for rest of the world (This feature is powered by google voice and the same rate applies).

This invite by telephone feature was available in trial mode under hangouts with extras.

Google+ hangout invite by Telephone

Google+ hangout invite by Telephone

How to invite by Phone?

  • Start a hangout as you would normally do (for eg. click on the Start a hangout button on the Google+ main stream page)
  • Click on the Invite button
  • Click on the +telephone link
  • On the Telephone tab that appears on the right, enter a telephone number and press Add button
  • Optionally, you can add more telephone numbers and click Add
  • Now click on the Invite button
  • All the telephone number you entered will be dialed now (powered by Google voice)
No more excuse that you can’t attend a hangout when you are away from a computer or desktop or no internet access. All you need is a telephone to participate in a hangout from anywhere in the world. Enjoy!!

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