Tips or Questions About Chrome Books or Chrome OS? There Is a Google+ Hangout for That!

Remember Apple’s infamous There is a app for that slogan. Now after the release of Google+ social network, a new trend is emerging – There is a google+ hangout for that!!

Google+ hangouts is one of the most successful feature of Google+ and pretty much everyone is using it in many ways.

We have written some posts earlier about some of the popular hangouts,

Longest running marathon hangout

Google Webmaster tools using hangouts to meet with webmasters

CNN using hangouts to reach Sports fans

and the list goes on and on. Now a new entry to the list is from the Google Chrome Team.

Do you have any tips or questions about Chromebooks or Chrome OS then you may be interested in Chromebook Hangout

Chromebook Hangout is scheduled on Saturday, September 17, 2011 @ 9.00 AM, 11.00 AM and 3.00 PM. Invitation for the hangout will be available on here.

Here is the Agenda for discussion…


  • How we’ve used them?
  • What tips or tricks we may have?
  • What extensions or apps we find useful?
  • Difference between the Chromebooks?
  • If we can get some of the Acer users in the Hangout?

Chrome OS

  • Some recent improvements or changes we’ve seen in the OS
  • What we’d like to see in the future for the Chrome OS?

Reason for holding this Hangout…

  • To get the word out on Chromebooks and Chrome OS
  • As part of the Chromebook Guru program
  • To help new Chromebook users with problems they may be having
  • To dispel some thoughts that some may have regarding cloud computing and Chromebooks
  • To help Chromebook users connect with each other

Google+ hangouts help improve live interaction between the host and end users.

With that said, use of Google+ hangouts is going to explode and we like to unveil the hangout slogan There is a google+ hangout for that!

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