Weight Loss Google+ Hangout With Jessica Simpson Tomorrow

Do you have Weight Loss as one of your New Year Resolutions for 2014? Then this Google+ hangout tomorrow hosted by Weight Watchers may be of help you.

American actress, artist and fashion designer Jessica Simpson is participating in this live broadcast of Google+ Hangout tomorrow and sharing details on her weight loss journey. She will be also providing tips and advice about how to start your own weight loss program.

Got a Question for Jessica? Post your questions on Google+ with hashtag #AskJessica and join live tomorrow to get your questions answered.

Jessica Simpson Weight Loss Google+ Hangout Live Tomorrow [Images: WeightWatchers]


RSVP or Watch this Google+ Event page tomorrow Tuesday January 3rd at 9.30 AM PST or 12:30 PM ET

We’ll share the recording video of this hangout once it is available.


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