Google+ Hashtags With Auto Complete Suggestions Released [Video]!

You might have already used or heard about #hashtags in Google+. It is a powerful feature to tag related content across users by just following a simple pattern (# followed by a keyword for e.g #sopa).

Hashtag auto complete

Google+ added support for hashtags in october 2011 and since then the usage is growing. In Google+ hashtags are automatically turned into links which when clicked returns all content tagged with the same name.

But one of the problem with hashtags is, you may need to do a wild guess of others might be thinking (about keyword) with a content you are about to share (you need to guess the right keyword like #sopa).

To aid us in choosing the right hashtag, Google+ today introduced autocomplete for hashtags which might help us to over come that problem.

While writing a post or sharing a content, just type # followed by some letters that you think might be right for that content, instantly you’ll be provided with hashtag suggestions (like that of google search suggestions, refer image or video below). Now using this feature you can easily figure out what others are using. No more pain of tagging incorrectly or tagging with different variations of the same keyword, etc.

Here is a sample autocomplete in action. When we started to type #so, we get suggestions like so, sopa, socialmedia, sopablackout, songsbirdsaturday,etc.

Google+ hashtag autocomplete suggestions

Google+ hashtag autocomplete suggestions

On choice of sopa,  it automatically turns into #sopa with a highlight around it

Hashtag turns into #sopa on selection

Hashtag turns into #sopa on choice

Auto complete video

Tag your content with the right hashtag and get noticed (with the right hashtag, your content may get more hits than without one).

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