How to Post to Google+ Using Email or Gmail? You Can Post to Public, Circles, Extended Circles, Etc!!

There are social networks and blogging services out there that allows you to post to their services using SMS or Email. Are you wondering how to post through email or sms on Google+?

Yesterday we covered about how to post to Google+ via sms or texting? Today we’ll cover about posting through email. Google+ out of the box supports posting via SMS, so it was pretty straight forward.

However Google+ doesn’t support posting via email in a straight forward way, but the good news is – It is possible to post to Google+ through email.

But you need a Google Voice account to do this. Google Voice is free, even if you don’t have a Google voice account, you can sign up for a new account

Now, let’s walk through the step by step instructions of how to setup and post to Google+ via email

  • Important: Your Google+ email address must be the same as your Google Voice email account
  • Login into your Google Voice account
  • Click on the gear icon on the topmost right of your screen
  • Click on Voice settings
  • Click on the Voicemail & Text tab
  • Check the Text Forwarding option Forward text messages to my email:
  • Hit Save changes button
  • Now click on the Text button and send a message to Google+ sms number (33669 in USA or 9222222222 in India)
  • You’ll immediately receive an SMS saying 33669: Google+: Did not understand the request.
  • Now goto your gmail account you use for Google+ and you’ll find a email from Google voice with the same message as above
  • Look for the from address of that email. It’ll look like [email protected] (yourphoneno = your google voice number, googlesmsno = google+ sms number, somecode=some id)
  • Make note of this email address, this is your unique Google+ email address
  • Sending an email to this address WON’T yet allow you to post to your Google+ stream (The reason is : Your Google Voice phone number is not yet associated with your Google+ profile)
  • Now goto your Google+ profile, hit the gear icon on the topmost right and click Google+ settings
  • You’ll find a link saying Add phone number. Enter your Google Voice phone number and hit Send Verification Code
  • Now goto your Google Voice account and get the verification code
  • Come back to your Google+ profile and input the verification code
  • That’s it, now you have successfully associated your Google+ profile with your Google Voice phone number and you are ready to use posting via Email
To post to Google+ stream, public, circles, extended circles or an individual via email
  • In Gmail, Compose a new message
  • In the To address type your unique email address we talked above
  • Subject is not required and will always be ignored
  • Type in a message in the body of the email followed by who you want to share the message with. Use the same format as mentioned here Google+ post via sms under Now let’s see how to post via sms or texting section (for eg. This is my email body message +circlename)
  • Hit send, that’s it. You message will be posted to Google+.
Please make sure you execute steps mentioned above in the same order or else it may not work.

This looks like a long process but once you read and understand should be very simple. Moreover it’s just one time setup. Once done, you can enjoy posting to Google+ via email.


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  1. Marcello

    You must have a Google Voice account. But Google Voice is’nt available in many countries. Do you have in mind the potential Google+ users in such countries  ?
    And don’t you think that all these users would’nt be happy to realize that such cool
     features are’nt available in that country ? 
    Why they should use Google+, why they should move from FB ?

    • Digital Jedi

      Keep in mind, this is a work around (that doesn’t seem even be working at the moment.) Google+ doesn’t really want anyone posting to their service remotely yet, which is why they haven’t opened up their API yet. So really, this isn’t even supposed to be available to anyone. Not yet.

    • Kringo

      I guess you may have jumped a step ahead. Before sending an SMS to the google number, make sure you haven’t added your Google Voice Number to your Google+ account. That is the trick. (If you have added, goto Google+ settings and remove the phone number and then try sending SMS again)


    It works for me. Kenneth Udut, Naples, FL (Affordable Trapping 239-465-9291) – the only thing I have to do is remember to zap my email signature as that’s a waste of space on gplus.

  3. Michel

    Hi it works on G voice, but any email is rejected immediatley:
    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:What could be wrong?

  4. Mikelgiles

    Actually I find it pretty useless.  First of all, it wants to terminate the message if you have a blank line in the message. Removing the blank lines took care of that but then it truncated the message ( I guess to a length that SMS could accept).  The whole point for me was to quickly get a email posted to google+ and that is not happening for sure!

  5. Tahir Rehman Butt

    Well, it works in a weird way. When I send an email to the “unique email address” assigned to me, the message instead of getting posted to my G+ stream, is TEXTed to my google voice number.

  6. Joseph Selby

    I don’t get a response when sending a message from google voice to 33669, anyone else have this issue? I also don’t recieve a verification code when I enter my google voice number into google+. Anyone else have this issue?

  7. Andrea Napierkowski

    I’m not able to find the Voice Settings. There is the gear icon to the right and there is a settings dropdown but when I click there it only allows me to click Phones, Voicemail, Groups & Circles, Voicemail Widgets, Billing, and Account. There isn’t a Voice settings option. I’m wondering if it’s because I’m using Google+ voice light (meaning I didn’t want to change over carriers).

  8. Alex Zhang

    So complicated. I was looking for a easier way to post on Google Plus because I’m too lazy to connect to a VPN since I’m in China.

  9. paulhelmick

    It seems Google Voice no longer allows you to enter and verify a GV number – thus killing the ability to forward email this way. Has anyone discovered any working hacks?

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