How to Search Google Plus Posts or Google Plus Profiles?

You are on google plus and read an interesting post or article that was shared earlier by someone in your circle. After sometime you realized, you want to read that post or article again.

The only way you could reach to that post is by figuring out the person who wrote it from your circle, get to their profile, go through all their posts and figure out the one you are looking for. We have to do all this heavy lifting since google+ doesn’t have a search feature for posts within google+ interface. (We are pretty sure (guess!!!) that search feature may be in the works)

But luckily there are other ways to do this. Here is the following trick that you can use on google chrome browser to search google+ posts

  • Click on the wrench icon (settings)
  • Click on the Preferences… menu item
  • Now click on the Manage Search Engines button
  • Goto the end of Manage Search Engines dialog by scrolling until you see empty fields to enter new search engines
  • In the first field (Add a new search engine), type Google+ Posts
  • In the second field (Keyword), type posts
  • In the third field (URL with %s in place of query), type or copy paste this {google:baseURL}search? inurl:posts/* %s
  • Now click somewhere else and the Manage Search Engines dialog will dissapear
  • Now click on the + button on google chrome browser to open a new tab
  • Just type, posts and hit <SPACE BAR> in your keyboard. You’ll notice it’ll automatically change into Search Google+ Posts:
  • Now you can just type and search for any text and the results will be just returned from Google plus posts, Awesome huh!
Manage search engines in Google Chrome

Manage search engines in Google Chrome after adding Google+ Posts and Profiles Search

Searching for google plus posts,
Searching google+ posts on chrome browser

Searching google plus posts on chrome browser

Google search engine natively supports searching for google or google plus profiles. However there is another trick which you can use to search for profiles, just within your chrome browser.
  • The starting steps are same as above with changes as below
  • Goto the end of Manage Search Engines dialog by scrolling until you see empty fields to enter new search engines
  • In the first field, type Google+ Profiles
  • In the second field, type profiles
  • In the third field, type or copy paste this {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&tbs=prfl:e
  • Now click somewhere else and the Manage Search Engines dialog will dissapear
  • Now click on the + button on google chrome browser to open a new tab
  • Just type, profiles and hit <SPACE BAR> in your keyboard. You’ll notice it’ll automatically change into Search Google+ Profiles:
  • Now you can just type and search for any name and the results will be just returned from Google plus profiles.
Searching for google plus profiles,
Searching google+ profiles on chrome browser

Searching google plus profiles on chrome browser

Now searching for anything, either posts or profiles on google plus is a breeze. All you have to do is type posts or profiles and hit the space bar, cool huh!!

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