How to Request for a New Google Plus Feature?

It’s been just a month since google plus launched in free trial mode. Google is still working on putting it’s final touches to make it available to the general public.

As of now google plus has quite a lot of unique features like circles, instant upload, hangouts, huddle, sparks, etc., besides other general features present in other social networks.

Even with these many great features as mentioned above, it’s not possible to satisfy all kind of users. Everybody is unique and has unique expectations. However it is not possible to implement all the features requested by everyone. But there should be always a way to express our opinion and requests, get them voted by others. When they have enough interest, they may consider for inclusion in the upcoming releases.

As part of the effort to involve the general public and existing google plus users to get more involved in taking the google+ to whole new level, google is accepting feature requests through the following link

Google plus feature requests

As of this writing 11,758 people have submitted 1,695 questions and have casted 127,169 votes.

So, if you are interested in having your ideas to be part of the google plus this is the time. Visit the above link and post your own feature request question or vote on questions already posted to get better chance of inclusion.


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  1. Ultimatestar72070

    i want developers to make a profile themes  ,musics ,for our profiles whch fbk does nt have .site should allow us to paste html codes in our profiles to decorate our profiles more colourful if it happens then google plus will become the number 1 social website around the world 

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