New “You’Re Missing Out on Some Cool Stuff” Message While Searching Without Signin
Just spotted this “Looks like you’re missing out on some cool stuff” message appearing along the google search results.
Have you seen the following (refer image) with this message “Looks like you’re missing out on some cool stuff, Sign in to get new, helpful Google features” along the right side of your google search results?
Google shows this informational message on the right side (along with search results/SERP’s) when you’re not signed in/ logged in with your Google account. In our experiment it doesn’t appear all the time and appeared few times randomly.
So, What are you going to miss if you are not logged in with your Google Account?
Well you’ll miss your Google+ notifications, any post or content shared by your friends, family and/or members of your Google+ circle that is relevant to your search (a.k.a private results or personalized search results), one click switch between various google products like gmail, docs, youtube without re-login, automatically saving your searches on your search history, etc.,
Are you seeing this info message? Share your thoughts below.
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