How to Hide Your Google+ Profile From Appearing in Google Search Results or Serp’s?

You joined Google+, created your profile and published it. Google automatically crawls and indexes your profile. Now when someone searches for you – your profile will appear in Google search results and easily be found.

Not everyone want their profile to be indexed, appear or searched through Google. They want their profile to be hidden and only known to their friends or circles they shared with.

Is it possible to disable indexing of Google+ profile and prevent it from appearing in Google search results?

The good news is Yes, Google thought this well ahead and has a setting on your profile to disable indexing.

Here are the steps of how to prevent your profile from being displayed in Google search results (SERP’s – Search Engine Results Page)

  • Login into your google+ account (at
  • Click on your firstname link next to your profile picture on the top left
  • Click on the Edit Profile button on the top right
  • Scroll all the down to the page
  • Look for setting Profile discovery
  • Click on Profile visible in search
  • Uncheck the option Help others discover my profile in search results
  • Click Save button
  • Click on Done editing button
  • That’s it, Your profile won’t be searched and indexed anymore by google search engine

Points to note 

  • If your profile was already visible and you turned off discovery now, it might take a while for your profile to disappear from search results
  • If anyone has your profile URL, they’ll still be able to see your profile
  • This wont hide your other parts of the profile i.e your blogs, your connect sites, picasa album, etc)


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