How to Import Facebook Friends Into Google+?

Almost everyone of us have a facebook account and we all have built our friends, colleagues and or other circles over there. Now switching to Google+, since facebook doesn’t support export of friends, its harder and time consuming to invite them one by one.

Let’s save some time and migrate facebook friends to google+ in under 5 minutes.

Here we have written a step by step guide of how to export your facebook friends and then import friends into your google+ account.

Here are the steps

  • Use an existing Yahoo! account or create a new one and login into Yahoo! mail
  • Within Yahoo mail, Click on the Contacts tab
  • Under Popular Tools section, you’ll find a link for Import Contacts, click on Import Contacts
  • It will take you to a page with icons of Facebook, Gmail, Windows Live, Others….
  • Now click on the Facebook icon and enter your Facebook username and password to authenticate with Facebook
  • It’ll prompt you for confirmation saying “Do you want to share your contacts with Yahoo!”, Click on Okay
  • It’ll start importing all your Facebook contacts into Yahoo and at the end you’ll see a Congratulations message
  • Below the Congratulations message, you’ll find a link and click on the View imports link and it’ll take you to show all the imported contacts
  • On the top right, click on the Tools drop down and choose Export
  • Look for Yahoo! CSV on the left label and click on the corresponding Export Now button
  • It will prompt you for a CAPTCHA code, enter it and click on Export Now
  • Within a while it’ll download the yahoo_ab.csv file (or some file with .csv extension)
  • Login into your Gmail account and click on the Contacts link just below the Mail link on the top left
  • Under the More Actions dropdown choose Import
  • In the Import Contacts dialog, choose the above downloaded yahoo_ab.csv (or whatever file downloaded for you) and click on Import button (Optionally you could create a new group for this contacts. For that, just check the checkbox above the import button and choose New group)
  • It’ll prompt to enter a group name, just type Facebook (or any name you like)
  • Now you’ll get a confirmation message saying “We have imported all 3433 contacts found in the uploaded file.”, now click OK
  • Now goto your Google+ account and click on Circles icon on the top
  • Now click on Find and Invite link on the top, you’ll find all the Facebook friends below in the list
  • Voila, that’s it – now you have all your facebook friends imported into Google+
  • Now optionally, you could select each of your facebook friends and assign it to various circles (for e.g friends, family, colleagues, business, etc) so that it is easy manage
We hope this will help a smooth migration and helps to keep your friends & contact within the new network and enjoy all the new features of Google+.


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  1. Christopher Davis

    How many of your facebook “friends” are people you talk to on a regular basis? For me, not that many… I welcome a fresh start just so long as Google keeps the farmville apps and all the other annoying BS far, far away — I’m good.

  2. Dhiva

    I am going to try now, though the problem could be if your facebook account is not associated with your gmail account. Right… Your frienday might think who is this guy?

  3. Camatthews707

    Isn’t yahoo going to be mad when thousands of people just use their accounts as a google tool? Is their a way to do this with just google’s vast resources and Facebook? Not to mention, I’d want to have thousands of folks making new google accounts rather than sending them to competitor. What about a macro or widget?

  4. Sudha

    I started to work on Google Plus for the past weeks. So, I wanted to
    share my knowledge about Google+ in this article. I  found that Google
    Plus did not support the feature of importing contacts from Facebook. 
    Currently, Google Plus supports importing contacts only from Gmail,
    Yahoo and Hotmail accounts. I know that most of the readers want to add
    their Facebook contacts on Google Plus. To do this, you need to have a
    Yahoo ID.

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