How to Find or Know Live Hangouts Within Your Google+ Circle?

Until today it was kind of deeply hidden or hard to find out all the live google+ hangouts happening within your circle. While a hangout starts, information about who has started the hangout and people already participating appears on the stream. But as new posts coming in, it gets buried and hard to notice.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know the live hangouts happening right now (within your circle) and a easy way to join a interesting hangout? Looks like Google+ team noticed this was a missing feature and has rolled out a change that’ll show the number of hangouts happening live within your circle (refer image below).

No. of hangouts live from your Circle

No. of hangouts live from your Circle

This notification of live hangouts will appear on the right side of your Google+ stream page under the Hangouts section.

  • You’ll see total number of live hangouts that are currently live within your circle
  • Clicking on it shows a detailed slider with detailed information about the hangout and the participants
  • A link Join this Hangout to quickly join the hangout
  • Not finding an interesting hangout? Click on the Start a hangout button to start one of your own

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