Comment Right From Your Gmail When Someone Mentions You

Gmail is getting lots of nice google+ features built into it so that we don’t have to leave the email interface to use social features.

Recently we wrote about circles in gmail and now we came across one more new feature that allows to read and write comment within gmail.

We read posts shared by our circles and when we find something interesting we comment or discuss about it. Based on the participation, the comments may get larger.

In that case, if someone wants to directly reply or let know a commenter he will use mentions i.e just type plus followed by his name for e.g  +name. What this basically do is, it would seem on that persons notifications as well as sends an email to him (based on his notification setting).

Google+ post with all comments now appears inside gmail

View entire post, comments and option to write your comment within gmail

Previously when someone mentions you the email just has the comment and provides a link to go back to that original google+ post. You click on the link, go back to google+ and continue the conversation.

Now you don’t have to do that. The whole post and the comment thread is now available right inside your gmail interface (refer image above). You can even comment right from there. Convenient huh?

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