Google+ Invites Are Now Open for Google+ Users

Google has just opened invites for existing Google+ users.

Google+ invites are open for existing google+ usersIf you logged in into your Google+ account, you will see the above link on your right side. Click on it to send invites to your friends, family, colleagues or anyone with an email address

Get google+ invites for free. Why do you want to pay when you can get for free, please be beware of google+ invite scam.


After issuing over 100’s of google+ invites, we have closed the comments because it was hard to maintain. But still we are issuing invites, please read below.

Click on the +1 button, Tweet this page or facebook like and send the tweeted or facebook post link with your email address through contact form on the top, we’ll send you a Google+ invite

As far as we know, we have sent invites to all the people requested, if anyone didn’t get, please do as mentioned above and we’ll send asap.

Enjoy inviting & Google+’ing!!

Please read our How to get free Google+ invite post.


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