Hangout From Youtube and Watch Videos With Your Friends or Family Straight From Any Youtube Video

When google plus launched, it came with a cool new feature called hangouts. Besides a group video chat, within hangouts there was another cool feature to watch youtube videos along with your circles or members in your circles.

Now google has introduced a new feature in the popular YouTube site interface which allows to start an hangout straight from any youtube video.

Here are the steps of how to start an google plus hangout straight from YouTube

  • Launch YouTube by going to
  • Login into YouTube with your Google account
  • Now go and watch any video either by search for one or by clicking on any video
  • Click on the Share button
  • Now on bottom right of your video, you should see a link saying Watch with your friends : Start a Google+ Hangout (refer the image)
  • Clicking on the link will launch the Google Plus hangout window that we are already familiar
Watch YouTube with Google Plus Hangouts

Watch YouTube with Google Plus Hangouts

This cool feature  enables us to socialize while watching any YouTube video. Have fun inviting your friends, family or others in your circle to watch a YouTube video with the convenience of sitting on your couch. (Same experience going out with friends or family to watch a movie on theatre)

PS: You must have a Google+ account inorder this to work.

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