Some Tidbits From Web 2.0 Summit About Google+ From Vic and Sergey!

Web 2.0 summit just wrapped up today after 3 days of wonderful sessions. It was hosted during October 17 – 19 at San Francisco, CA.

For those who are not sure about what is a web 2.0 summit, here is  a quick summary…

Since 2004, Web 2.0 Summit has brought the intelligence, innovation, and leadership of the Internet industry together in one place at one time. Through incisive plenary sessions, cut-to-the-chase onstage conversations, and rapid-fire “high order bits” presentations, visionaries and executives across key industries present their unique perspective on the Web’s future and how the tools and principles of Web 2.0 are impacting their businesses.

Web 2.o talk without mentioning Google+, No way right?

+Sergey Brin Co-founder of Google and  +Vic Gundotra SVP of Engineering from Google participated and shared some tidbits about Google+

  • Google+ will soon support Google Apps users in a matter of days (One of the most requested feature by google apps users)
  • Google+ will support pseudonyms and they are rolling this feature out soon (Great news for the anti real name policy camp, your voice is heard)
  • 3.4 billion photos uploaded to Google+ (Thanks to android mobile instant upload)
  • Google+ api – They are taking cautious approach so that developers have higher confidence in building their applications on Google+ without worry about thrashing stuff they developed
  • Google+ brand pages or business pages is coming soon within matter of days (Great news for businesses)
  • Google apps is used by 4 million businesses and 5000 signups everyday
  • Single click mute to turn off games for people who are not interested in using social games
  • Your friends / family not yet on Google+, but they soon will. It’s going to be safe and fun for friends & families and is designed with that in mind
  • By Christmas, you’ll see the entire Google+ strategy all come together
It is great to hear all these much anticipated changes are coming to Google+, way to go!!!

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