Google Plus Brand Pages or Business Pages Ready? Names With Logo’s Showing Up in Employment or Education Fields on Profile!

We earlier broke the news about google plus business pages or google plus entity profiles and also warned about deletion of google plus profiles with non real names (due to real name policy).

To kick start business or entity profiles, Google+ invited popular brands out there to create branded pages. As of date none of the brand or business pages are visible in google+ social network until last week, we are seeing signs of it in different forms.

Here are the few places where we have spotted them

#1. Goto your google+ profile page, click on the Edit Profile button, and click on Employment. A Employment dialog will appear (refer image below) and start typing in letters, a you type you’ll find suggestions from named brands with logo’s.


Companies with logo's appear on google+ profile

Companies with logo's appear on google+ profile

#2. Goto your google+ profile page, click on the Edit Profile button, and click on Education. A Education dialog will appear (refer image below) and start typing in letters, a you type you’ll find suggestions from educational institutions with logo’s.

Educational institutions with logo on google+

Educational institutions with logo on google+

Based on this, looks like launch of google business or entity pages  is imminent. You should be able to signup for google plus entity pages as soon as they open it again.


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