Google+ Trending Topics : New Feature Shows Current Trends During Search!

Our searches are among the millions of searches made everyday through the Google search engine. With that said, we’ll be quite often curious to know What others are Searching?

That question is easily answered by just going to Google trends (World’s interest in your favorite topics), Google as already figured that out.

Then came the Google+ social network for socializing followed by the introduction of Search in Google+ and later Google+ realtime search. Trends are offered in other networks and a key indicator of current topics.

Since the introduction of Google+ search, it’s quite natural to know What people are talking or searching for in Google+?. Finally with the launch of Google+ trends, that data is readily available.

All you have do is, search for a keyword using the Google+ search on the top and instantly you’ll find the trending topics (Trends) on the right (refer image below)

Google+ trending topics

Google+ trending topics

Here we are searching for the keyword occupy and Google+ shows the following trends (hot topics)

Occupy Wall Street

Green Bay Packers

Tony Romo


Thanksgiving day parade

Sienna Miller




San Francisco 49ers

We are not sure whether the order of these topics means anything in terms of ranks but we observed the order changes from time to time even within an hour. (A key indication that it could be ranking but we are just guessing at this point)

In addition, Google+ trends adds more value to people who contribute lot of content or topics in the network. This will help them to share topics/content that people are more interested or looking for than a totally random topic.

We feel this is a great addition and value add to Google+.

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