Google Plus Profile Deletion Warning

Are you on google plus and have a profile? Then please read on.

Hope you read our post about google plus business profiles. Yes, google is working on a business version of google plus which is planned to be available in the 3rd quarter of 2011. This is specifically designed for businesses with support for analytics.

Since the above is in works, google want’s to make sure the current google plus is purely individual / consumer focused and they want to keep it clean. We understand that.

In order to ensure quality, google is deleting profiles that are not individuals. So, if you have a profile with business name or your site name or anything similar to that, you should start fixing it immediately or there is a immediate chance of banning or deleting your profile. There is lot’s of noise in the twitter universe about profiles are being deleted.

Convert your profiles with real names if you want to keep’em and please don’t promote about your business.

Let’s help Google to keep google plus purely consumer focused.


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    Am I the only one that finds it odd that on that the share bar doesn’t contain a way to share it on Google Plus?   How great it would be if like those lesser sites, we could share finds on the Internet with a simple click.  Or is this not considered social?

    • Anonymous

      Agree, The only way you can share a link on Google+ is by clicking on the Add Link icon on the top right in the stream page. I’m sure they’ll come up with something.

      However, you can use the +1 button for now to share with the world.

      • Dawid R.

        +1 button is still pretty limited. It doesn’t give you any way to comment on the link and when you +1 a link it shows under +1 tab instead in your stream. 

  2. jisan jisan

    I like it……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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