UK’s 4th Richest Billionaire Richard Branson on Google+ Hangout Tomorrow!

Sir Richard Branson is a successful businessman, billionaire, founder and chairman of Virgin Group of 400+ companies. He is the 4th richest person in the UK.

Tomorrow he sits with Peter Cashmore of Mashable for a “Fly like a boss chat” Google+ hangout to discuss how technology has changed business.

richard branson google+ hangout

Richard Branson, Billionaire founder and chairman of Virgin Group hanging out in Google+ hangout tomorrow

Here is information about the hangout (according to the event page)

Sir Richard Branson will join Mashable CEO & Founder Pete Cashmore, local flyers and area partners including students from the KIPP school for a pre-flight Google+ “Fly Like a Boss” hangout to discuss how technology is changing business and travel.


April 9th at 7.30 AM – 8.00 AM Pacific time or 10:30am ET (Tomorrow)

How to join?

RSVP here in the Virgin America event page

Interested in asking a Question?

Submit your questions through comments in this Virgin America page

This is your opportunity to learn from a business icon the inner secret of what it takes to get there, Enjoy!

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