Invited User on Joining Notification Added to Google+ Notifications

Google is rolling out new features silently into the google plus social network over the past few days. Recently they added a easy way to invite your friends, family or others by giving away 150 google+ invites by just sharing a link.

Yesterday they also rolled out another feature google+ posts inside gmail. Now yet another feature, this one related to the google plus invites.

Let’s say you invite someone to join google plus either by clicking on the Send Invitation button or sharing the 150 google+ invites link we mentioned above, there is no way to know if the user you invited has joined google+ or not unless you go and manually search yourselves. Here is the good news, now with this new update rolling out, you’ll be able to get a notification every time a user you invited joins on the Google bar on the top of google+ (refer image below, image courtesy google).

Google plus invitation user join notification

Notification on Google bar showing user you invited joined google plus

This will help you to not only know the user has joined, it’ll also help you to add him/her to your circles, give them a warm welcome and to start following them.


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