Google Plus Posts to Appear Inside Gmail – Rich Integration Between Google+ and Gmail!

Google plus and gmail are two different google products and are designed for different purpose. Gmail is targeted towards emailing and google plus for socializing.

If you sum it in another way, Gmail is more of an offline communication that you send a mail to a recipient and the recipient may or may not be online and he’ll be able to see his email as soon as he logs into his gmail account. On the other hand we have Google plus which is more of an online and real time communication where you share posts, pictures, videos or other content and instantly you collaborate with your friends, family or others by receiving comments, launching a google+ hangout, etc.. The communication happens in realtime.

And based on the preference we choose to use, one or the other at a time or both. Emails are not going away anytime soon and play an integral part of our every day to day life. With that said, it would be cool to know what our friends, family or email contacts are talking about on google plus. To make our life easier, google is launching an important update to it’s people’s widget that appears on the right side which viewing your email in Gmail (refer image below).

Google+ posts on Gmail

Google+ posts to appear on Gmail people's widget

We personally feel this will be a great add-on and love to see what our contacts are talking about with the convenience of being inside Gmail.


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