Google+ Glitch Sends Out Multiple Notifications of the Same Message

Google+ users today were getting multiple notifications of the same message many times due to a glitch.

The social network was hit with a glitch that sent out multiple notification of the same message over and over again few times causing some confusion among users. Later google found the issue was due to a hard disk failure that keep trying to recover and send messages again. People who got multiple messages, started tweeting about the issue in twitter universe.

Vic Gundotra of Google apologized for the inconvenience caused. Here you go in his own words

Please accept our apologies for the spam we caused this afternoon.

For about 80 minutes we ran out of disk space on the service that keeps track of notifications. Hence our system continued to try sending notifications. Over, and over again. Yikes.

We didn’t expect to hit these high thresholds so quickly, but we should have.

Thank you for helping us during this field trial, and once again, we are very sorry for the spam

We all should note that Google+ is still in field trial mode and not yet launched. These things expected to happen as they continuously tweaking the system to go production in full swing.

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