Android Device Manager Launched: Now Control Your Android Phone From the Web!

Couple of days ago we reported about the release of Android Device Manager as a Google Play Services update and we’ve also shared steps to activate Device Manager service for your android device.

In that post, we also mentioned that the Manager App to control the device from the Web (via a Map interface to track in realtime) was not available at the time and due for release at any time.

And the wait is over, Today Google has officially released the Android Device Manager (hereafter referred as ADM) Control App and is available under the following URL and it redirects to

Once you are in the above URL, it’ll prompt to accept to use Location Data and your ADM is ready for use.

When I tried, It showed the location of my device in real time and I was able to sound/ring the device from the Web (via the Ring button). Since my device was in Silent/Vibrate mode, it was beeping continuously. To stop the beeping or ring, just press the POWER button in your android phone/device. In case if your phone/device is stolen, you could use the Erase Device button and it’ll wipe/format the device before your personal data falls into wrong hands.

Initial Setup: Allow Android Device Manager to user location data screen

Android Device Manager Web Control App Setup

Android Device Manager Showing Map View in Realtime with option to Ring/Wipe Device

Android Device Manager App showing android phone in realtime over a Google Map view

This is a fantastic and free feature that puts us back in control of our android device. We now can track, ring or even erase/wipe the device to secure our data from the convenience of our home.

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