What Is That Blue Ribbon in Google+ Stream?

Wondering what is that blue ribbon icon that randomly appears next to a Google+ post in your incoming stream?

In simple terms: Google+ places an automatic bookmark (blue ribbon icon) at your current mouse location so that you can easily resume if you have to scrolling to the top (to read new posts).

Here we’ll explain with a simple example…

1. Let’s assume for a second that you have scrolled down and reading one of the posts (shared by your circle’s) in your Google+ Stream

Reading one of a Google+ post after scrolling down a few pages

2. While reading that post, a New Post Notification Appears (in this example 2 New)

New post blue notification appears next to share box

3. Clicking on the above notification, Google+ automatically scrolls all the way to the top to read the new posts

Resume Post Notification Appears after Clicking on 2 New Post

4. When you are done reading those new posts, Just click Resume (Resume with Down Arrow). Google+ will now automatically take you to the post you were reading last (marked with the blue ribbon icon next to it).

Google+ post with the Blue Ribbon icon next to it

Google+ automatically remembers that post location for you so that you can get to it quickly.

Many readers have asked about this blue ribbon and hope this post clears out the confusion, Enjoy!.

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