Google Helpouts Launched: Share Your Expertise and Get Paid for Hangouts

Google Helpouts was in invite only mode for quite some time and now released to the public and available for anyone to signup.

What is Google Helpouts?

Do you Remember Google Answers? It is a discontinued service by Google where you ask a Question and a Google Researcher answers it for a fee. It was a great service and answers were typed by a researcher and delivered as text (written answer).

With than in mind and the power of Google+ hangouts, now imagine the same of delivering a service or sharing an expertise through face to face video. That’s exactly what Google+ Helpouts is all about.

Watch the video in the bottom of this post for some ideas about how to use helpouts.

Google Helpouts: Share Your Expertise via Google+ Hangouts


If you are an expert or knowledgeable in a particular field, all you have to do is list on Google+ Helpouts and see requests coming in for your help.

Official explanation for Helpouts

Ever wanted to share cooking recipes, speak a new language, or provide health tips? Helpouts allows you to share your passion and expertise through live video, right from your computer or mobile device!

If you’re a professional or an expert in a particular area, share your knowledge with people who want to learn from you by giving a Helpout. Scheduling is simple and handled right from Helpouts. You can allow customers to schedule you based on your availability. Since Helpouts occur over video, you’re not tied to an office and you can connect with people around the world.

Eligibility for Helpouts

1. You must have a Google+ profile

2. Computer or any mobile device (phone/tablet)

3. Webcam/Microphone

How to Join Helpouts?

1. Goto Helpouts, Signup or Signin with your Google+ account

2. Click on Give your own Helpouts (green button)

3. Click on Request a code link

4. Choose a Category you are interested in offering help

5. Click Submit

6. Accept Terms & Conditions

7. Click on Accept & Continue button

You’ll receive an email with invitation code information and follow the instructions to get started.

Google+ Helpouts Introduction Video

Try Google Helpouts and share your thoughts through comments below. A cool way to share your expertise with people around the world, make new friends and on top of it, get paid for your service. Enjoy!

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