YouTube Google+ Comments Introduces New Tools to Combat Spam

YouTube comments team is introducing new tools to combat spam after hearing feedback and complaints that Google+ comment integration found increase in spam in some areas.

It’s a bummer and really surprising since the main idea of Google+ commenting on YouTube was to limit or almost eliminate spam for good. In a blog post, YouTube comments team has acknowledged although this new commenting system has prevented many spam issues (that occurred before) but some spam users have found ways around to take advantage of them.

Therefore based on feedback from YouTube users and creators, they are releasing new tools to combat bad links and impersonators, etc., with additional tools coming soon in near future.


Google+ YouTube Comment Moderation Tools [Images:]

New Tools to Combat Spam

  • Better recognition of bad links and impersonation attempts
  • Improved ASCII art detection
  • Changing how long comments are displayed

Coming soon

  • Tools to better bulk manage comments on your videos i.e one of the most requested feature bulk moderation is coming soon.
  • Improved comment ranking and moderation of old-style comments

What do you think of these new changes? Are they going to help fight spam? Please share your thoughts through comments below.

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