Vet Connect a Free Tool for Veterans to Connect With Each Other on Google+ Released on Veterans Day!!

Today the November 11th is Veterans day in the US (an annual holiday honoring military veterans a.k.a Armistice Day) .

On Veterans Day, Google has released free tools and platforms to help military veterans and the veterans family community.

One important social tool released today for veterans is called Vet Connect – A free tool to help veterans connect with each other on Google+.

A brand new site is launched at and Vet Connect can be accessed here at

Vet Connect for veterans on Google+

Vet Connect for veterans on Google+

Here is what Vet Connect is according to google,

We created VetConnect to work with Google+, our new sharing platform that helps you keep in touch, privately or publicly, with friends and family.

The details you submit about your service on VetConnect will not show up on your Google+ profile. Only other people who offer their info on VetConnect can see what you’ve shared here. When you submit your service info on VetConnect, we’ll use it to show you other vets with similar service experiences. You might come across a friend from basic training or someone you served with overseas. If you find someone you’d like to connect with, just visit their Google+ Profile and add them to your circles.

To use Vet Connect all you need is a Google+ account. If you already have a Google+ account just Signin into Vet Connect to join otherwise you could just create a new account at Signup for Google+.

Besides Vet Connect, Google also created a Veterans Channel on YouTube and also a Resume Builder using Google Docs a powerful tool that helps generate auto formatted resume for service members seeking employment.

A google blog post has more details if you are interested. What a great way to say thanks to the well deserved Veterans community!!

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