White House Holiday Decoration Tour Google+ Hangout Video

Want to view White House Holiday Decorations for 2013? Then checkout this Google+ Hangout hosted live by The White House this morning.

According to this event page, every year over 70,000 people visit the White House to view holiday decorations. Can’t make it to Washington D.C this year? No problem.

For the first time in history using Google+ Hangouts on Air, White House pastry chef Bill Yosses and Florist Laura Dowling took the time to discuss this year’s holiday decoration with young people from schools around the U.S.

Besides answering questions, discussing the theme (Gather Around), preparations, making of gingerbread white house, etc., they also gave a virtual tour of the decorations in this hangout.

White House Holiday Decoration 2013 Hangout Video

Enjoy the recording video of this hangout!

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