White House Live Google+ Hangout Tomorrow About Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a global problem and the U.S. administration has developed and executing a comprehensive strategy to combat this issue.

Tomorrow White House is using Google+ hangout to take questions and provide answers related to human trafficking. Please read more details about this hangout on this page.


27th September @ 12:00 pm Eastern time (EDT)


The White House google+ page or the White House live page via a Google+ hangout

Who attends

  • Assistant to the president
  • Chief of staff to first lady
  • Executive director of the white house council (on Women and Girls)
  • Special Assistant to president
  • Senior director for multilateral affairs
  • Leaders from NGO and faith communities
  • & YOU!

Got a question about this subject, Ask through this form or through comments section on the White House google+ page. Please participate and help combat human trafficking.

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