Four (4) Unique Ways to Start an Google+ Hangout!

Google+ hangouts is undoubtedly the most popular feature on Google+ and it’s been used in many ways; right from meeting friends, virtual town hall style meetings, office hours, class rooms, etc..

Due to it’s popularity, it has got special attention from Google+ team. They have added 4 unique ways to start and use a Google+ hangouts across various Google products (as of this writing).

Four ways to start a Google+ hangout

Hangout from Google+ stream

Hangout from Google+ Stream

This was the first method introduced that allowed to start / join a hangout. You’ll find this section just right of your Google+ stream. It also helps to find current live hangouts from your circle limited to a maximum of 3 live hangouts.

Hangout from YouTube

Hangout from YouTube video

Hanging out from YouTube is a cool feature that allows to start a hangout right from any YouTube video and watch the video live with your friends or circles irrespective of wherever you are. You are basically on a virtual cinema theatre.

Really simple to use, goto YouTube, search for a video you are interested, click on the Share button and bottom right of the popup you’ll find a link to Start a Google+ Hangout (You must be logged in using your Google+ and YouTube account)

Hangout from Google+ Post

Hangout from Google+ Post

Hangout from a Google+ post was added just yesterday. It is a simple and easy way to connect with the post author through a 1:1 video discussion. You’ll be only able to start an hangout with the author only if you both exist in each others circle (mutual circles that is similar for Google+ chat).

Hangout from Google Chat

Hangout from Google Chat (GMail)

Hanging out right from Google chat in Gmail has been rolled out today. When you chat with someone in Gmail previously you use to see a Video icon. Now the Video icon is replaced with a Hangout icon and it allows to immediately start an hangout right from your Gmail.

Enjoy hanging out from Google+, YouTube or Gmail and have fun!

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