Migrate Your Adwords API Applications to OAuth 2.0 From ClientLogin

Are you a developer and using Adwords API in your client applications? Then chances are you may be using ClientLogin to authenticate your client applications.

The problem is support for ClientLogin authentication is going to reach end of life and will be completely removed in June 2014 and will be replaced with OAuth 2.0. If you have already migrated to use OAuth 2.0 authentication then you’re in good shape and don’t have to do anything.

For others, your Adwords app users won’t be able to access MCC(My Client Center; tool to manage multiple Adwords account) account or your Adwords account via the API through ClientLogin since it is deprecated.

OAuth 2.0 is the industry standard to authenticate 3rd party applications without sharing passwords and nowadays pretty much all applications use it. Google Adwords team has written a ClientLogin to OAuth 2.0 migration guide here that’ll help with the migration.

Interested in learning about OAuth 2.0? Then checkout the following video from Google.

You’ll learn…

  • What is OAuth 2.0?
  • Why is it better than ClientLogin?
  • How to Implement OAuth 2.0?
  • How OAuth 2.0 authorization flow works?
  • Best Practices in using OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 Explained Video

This post has links to sample applications in various languages for using OAuth 2.0.

This may be the right time to start migrating to OAuth 2.0 before it is too late. Getting ready now (migration to use OAuth 2.0) will give ample time to test you app and launch once you’re comfortable so that your Adwords customers will have seamless transition when ClientLogin is deprecated.

Share your thoughts about this migration and using OAuth 2.0 through comments below.

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