Google New Year’s Eve 2013 / Happy New Year 2014 Doodle Today

In an Animated GIF today, Google’s Doodle highlights Good Bye to Year 2013 and Welcoming an all new Happy New Year 2014.

Google New Year's Eve 2013 / New Year 2014 Doodle Today

Quick look at the Doodle, one can easily mis-read the year as 20134, but the animation of 2013 marks the celebration of New Years Eve 2013 and non-animated 4 marks upcoming Year 2014. Again that is my own interpretation of the doodle. Watch the video below and share your own interpretation.

Google Doodle Happy New Year 2014 Video

I’ve also Uploaded a Video of the New Year 2014 Doodle to our YouTube channel (just in case if you are not able to see this New Year doodle in your country)



Google Doodle 2014 Updated on New Year’s Day

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