Android Mobile Users Most Active on Google+ [Infographic]

In this latest statistics about most active usage of social networks via mobile platforms, it was found that Google+ was most active through the Android platform.

GlobalWebIndex released this report where they studied about the usage of mobile platforms to access Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social networks.

This survey was conducted with this Question Which of the following operating systems run on your mobile phones? with global internet users with mobile phones and in the age group of 16 to 64 years.

Android Users are most active on Google+ according to Jan 2014 statistics [images: GlobalWebIndex]

Interestingly iOS users were most active on Facebook & Twitter while Android users were most active on Google+ as of January 2014 statistics.

Google+ first releases new features on Android while Facebook/Twitter do similar on iOS platform. Is this trend happening due to the richness of apps and preferences given by social networks to these platforms or something else?

What do you use? Share your thoughts through comments below.

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