How to Convert Any Photo Into an Snow Falling Animated GIF Using Google+?
Google+ recently introduced this seasonal feature called AutoAwesome Snow that turns all your photos uploaded with snow automatically into animated snow falling photos.
Why this feature only exists for photos with snow? Why not apply for any picture? These questions inspired us to write this simple step by step guide to answer How to Convert Any Photo into a Snow Falling Animated Effect photo (that doesn’t have snow)?
Thanks to Google+ Mobile App. It can’t get simpler than this. While viewing your photos inside Google+ mobile app, just Shake the Device and you’ll be amazed with Google+ instantly transforming the image with snow fall.
Two pre-requisites (to convert your Photos into Snow Falling Animated GIF’s)
1. You photo must be uploaded to Google+ or must be present on your mobile phone
2. You must have the latest Google+ app installed on your mobile phone (My Android app shows version
In this example we are using Google+ Android App (the steps will be almost same for Google+ iOS Mobile App)
How to Apply AutoAwesome Snow Fall Effect?
1. Launch Google+ Mobile App
2. Tap the G+ icon on the top left to launch Google+ menu
3. Tap Photos in the appearing menu
4. You’ll be viewing Photos section with Camera and Highlights Tab
5. Now Tap any photo that you want the AutoAwesome Snow effect
6. Shake the Device (voila, you will notice Snow falling immediately)
7. Want to Save? Just Shake the Device again
8. You’ll get a notification dialog with message Creating Auto Awesome snow. You will receive a notification when it’s ready
9. That’s it, You’ re done. In a short while you’ll get a Google+ notification and your image with AutoAwesome snow will be available on your Google+ account. You can share with your friends/family on Google+ or download to your desktop.
Original Image (Selected in step 5)
Creating AutoAwesome Snow Confirmation
Image after Google+ AutoAwesome Snow Applied
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Enjoy applying snow fall effect to your Google+ photos and share the joy of the snow season.
Try out and share your experience through comments below, Enjoy!
It didn’t work. I have a brand new LG Power X