How to Share or Post Content to Google+ Right From Google Reader?

Who wants to goto site to site for reading content or news? Instead it’s convenient and saves time to subscribe to sites and use Google reader to read all of them at one place. Google reader lets us to organize them nicely based on topics and interests.

When you are on a site and if you found that piece of content very useful, you like to share it with your friends or circles on Google+. If the site supports Google +1 button, it’s piece of cake… All you have to do is click on the +1 button and add friends or circles and this story will be shared instantly with Google+.

How nice it would be if we can do the same within Google reader? At present, let’s say you found an interesting post on Google reader, the only way you can share that content with your Google+ stream is by copying the link and share it through the Google+ share link option in the Google+ interface.

Don’t worry there is a easy way of doing this. With this trick, you will be able to share with Google+ right within Google reader without all those extra steps.

    • Goto Google Reader
    • Click on the gear icon on the top right
    • Now click on the Reader settings link
    • Select the Send To tab
    • Click on the create a custom link link
    • In the Name field, type G+ or Google+ or whatever name works for you
    • In the URL field, type${url}
    • In the Icon URL field, type (this is optional)
    • Click on the Save button
Sharing on Google+ from Google Reader

Sharing on Google+ from Google Reader

  • Now go back to the Google reader (click on the Back to Google Reader link on the top)
  • Look for the Send to link option below every post and click on it
  • It’ll show you the list of options including the one you entered above. Look for G+ or Google+ or whatever you entered above
  • Clicking on it will launch a new window (refer image)
  • Click on Share on Google+ text area
  • Now you will be able to type in a comment and add friends or circles
  • Once you click the Share button, it’ll be shared on Google+ stream
Every google product is getting Google+ or social touch and we are pretty sure Google Reader will be soon get the same. Till then you can use this nice little trick to post to Google+ right within your favorite news reader – Google Reader.

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